Page 6 - Leighton News May 2017
P. 6


Cyril Alderson Ben Alderson Jack Evans Maurice Jones
(of Wernllwyd) (of Lydbury North)
of Lower Leighton of Glanmeheli
(Marjorie’s father) (Cyril’s brother)

Mr Teddy Lewis Anne Salter Maude & Rev John Salter RW Griffiths
(Butcher from Carno) (Vicar’s daughter) (of Woodlands)

Here we see Rev John W Salter who was Vicar of Leighton Hall inhabited by Thomas Parry who was
Leighton parish 1937-1946 returning as a guest of the considered the Squire of the village although the local
Alderson shooting party. 60 years on how many Corbett family actually owned the estate. Then as we all
shooting parties our present vicar Rev Robert Leach has know the very wealthy Liverpudlian banker John Naylor
been to is probably in single figures, nay I’m guessing married a Shropshire lass and his uncle bought the
its zero as the village has changed so much in the Leighton Estate as a wedding present (not for them the
intervening six decades. Also the formal black clerical now popular card in with the invite “we request only
attire of Rev Salter is in great contrast to our own Rev your presence not your presents”), along with a huge
Robert’s off duty collection of modern pink lambswool amount of money to develop the 4000+ acres. A
jumpers . The fashionable tweed suits of everyone else fortune, contacts with the most gifted architects and
in the photo have changed little other than modern day builders of the age and bucketfuls of ambition and style
breeks are a little narrower than the plus fours on lucky are we that they chose Leighton.
display and it looks as if gun laws were a little more
relaxed in those days also. John Naylor demolished the old hall and set about
building his model farm (think gentleman’s agricultural
Way back in the 1800’s the only parish church for this complex built to opulent standards rather then lego) and
village was up on Trelystan on the Long Mountain with re-routed roads etc. to suit his plans and established the
Leighton being just a handful of scattered homesteads new school. He built the Church and Vicarage and the
with a ford over the river and the original Jacobean first incumbent in 1853 was Rev John Judge – now
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