Page 2 - Leighton News September 2017
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Date Church Time Service

Sunday 3rd September Holy Trinity, Leighton 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 10th September Trelystan 3.00pm Holy Communion

Friday 15th September Trelystan 6.30pm Harvest followed by Harvest
Sunday 17th September Holy Trinity, Leighton 11.00am
Holy Communion

Sunday 24th September Holy Trinity, Leighton 11.00am Morning Praise

Sunday 15th October Holy Trinity, Leighton 11.00am Harvest Service followed by the
Harvest lunch in the Village Hall

Rotas for September 2017

Sidesmens Rota Altar Flowers & Brass Cleaning


The aim of Leighton Church Fete way back in June was always
to give villagers and visitors the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful
church and churchyard here in Leighton and that was achieved
with bells on! And we even had the added bonus of a visiting
bellringing team who raised the bells and raised the spirits and
truly set the tone for an enjoyable afternoon.

Thank you to everyone who helped prior to the event by
strimming the churchyard, doing great graphics, publicity,
shopping, planning, finances and the transporting and setting up of
the furniture and tent. On the day thank you to Margery Davies
for opening the fete so elegantly and to everyone who baked,
donated prizes and goods, loaned furniture, gave plants and
produce and manned all of the stalls, the draw and the busy tea

Thank you to Clive who entertained us all afternoon with his

singing and to Dave who helped with the parking. Special thanks

must go to Andreas Praefke who was visiting Rob & Wendy Jones for the weekend and along with Rob spent the

entire weekend helping out. Rachel’s quiz proved very popular and was won by Rachael Briggs with Julie Mitten and

Julie Evans who combined to come in a surprising second! Thank you to everyone who gave their time and who

supported the stalls and draw and along with the regulars we had new neighbours and visitors who came to the church

for the first time and others revisited from their youth. Additionally the amount raised totalled £710.35 so well done to

you one and all, a great team effort. Jane Walton Photos by Jane opposite
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