Page 3 - Leighton News April 2017
P. 3

Forden with Leighton & Trelystan
Community Council

Convert a Telephone Box
– Suggestions Please

As a Community Council we recently applied to adopt 2 of
the old red telephone boxes, 1 being in Forden and 1 in
Leighton. As these have stood for years and are part of the
character of each village we understand the importance of
keeping them. We would like to invite suggestions from
residents as to what you would like the boxes to become.
Other Communities have used them for Pop-Up Garden
Shops, Tourist Information area’s and even Art Galleries.

Come on – Put your Thinking Cap on and let us know about
your suggestions:

Please contact the Clerk, details below:

Helen Stanier, Corndon View, Forden, Welshpool SY21 8LZ

Telephone No. 01938 580066 Email:

If you have a twisted willow in your garden and are trimming it late June or early
July (or you would allow me to trim it) then I would be very grateful for a branch
or two. Please give me a ring. Jane Walton 01938 554149 or email Thank you.


Following last month’s article on the financial STANDING ORDER AUTHORITY
circumstances of Holy Trinity Church, readers have
asked about the best way to help towards the Please pay Lloyds Bank plc: Sort code: 30-99-30
problem. As suggested in the article regular
contributions would be most welcome. to P.C.C Leighton account no: 00080793

A monthly standing order has the advantage of the sum of: £ ___________________________
small regular payments having less impact on family
budgets than a larger annual amount — but of course commencing on: DD MM YYYY
either would be very much appreciated.
Date of first payment
The Church’s bank account details are:
Lloyds Bank plc Sort code: 30-99-30 and Monthly/Annually* thereafter until further notice

P.C.C Leighton account no: 00080793 (Delete as appropriate)
If you have on-line banking, a monthly,
annual or single payment is very ORDER to: ______________ Bank plc Branch: _________________
easy to set up with just the sort code Sort code: ______________ Account no: _____________________
and account number. Account Name: __________________________________________
Or you could complete the form Signature(s) _____________________________________________
and send to your bank. If you have Date: __________________________________________________
set up a donation, please let us
know by calling 01938 555 043
Thank for your help.
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