Page 7 - Leighton News October 2017
P. 7

Two weddings in two weeks in September in Leighton Church! So much love and laughter we had to record it with a few
pictures as both were very special occasions in their own individual ways. At both weddings beards were popular and
both couples had taken such care and attention in planning their celebrations making both so personal and memorable -
with both coincidentally having very unusual wedding cakes at their receptions!

Firstly we had the wedding of Eluned Tibbott who
married Lloyd Bright and they are seen here leaving
the church under the traditional archways of pikels
provided by Berriew Young Farmers Club followed by
the walking through the customary avalanche of
confetti. There is also a photo of the bridesmaids, best
man and ushers and there was the surprise arrival of
horsepower provided by Sian, Gaynor, Maggie and Kay
who came along with their steeds to support them.
Eluned is a Land Agent with Powys County Council and
Lloyd farms in Berriew where they now live.

Then we had the wedding on another sunny Saturday of Daniel Gries and Stefanie
Waddington who put their own stamp on the wedding ceremony in Leighton Church.
We have taken some photos of their day with their horsepower being mechanical
rather than equine. Dan and Stef work in the Gries family plumbing business ‘Splash’
which is based here in the village.

Confetti shower

Dan and Stef with some of their guests Stylish horsepower
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